Brainsafe are proud to announce a new partner; Medical School Hamburg, a renowned research institution that specializes in neuroscience and performance, will leverage Brainsafe’s platform to provide a comprehensive and effective solution for concussion management to sports teams. The partnership will not only help sports teams to better manage concussions but will also provide valuable data for research purposes.

According to Justus Bejnö, Founder of Brainsafe, “We are thrilled to partner with MSH to bring our concussion management platform to the German market. Our platform has been proven to be effective in managing concussions, and we are confident that it will help sports teams in Germany to combat concussions and provide a safer return to play following concussion.”

Max Von Wachmanns from MSH, added, “We are excited to collaborate with Brainsafe to provide a comprehensive solution for concussion management to sports teams in Germany. The combination of our expertise in neuroscience and Brainsafe’s platform will enable us to develop new insights and effective solutions to address this critical public health issue.”

This partnership is a win-win situation for both Brainsafe and MSH, as well as for sports teams in Germany. It provides a comprehensive solution for concussion management, valuable data for research purposes, and opens up new opportunities for collaboration and innovation in the field of concussion management.